Instructions how to install the trial version of Kofax Express


STEP 1: Download and install Kofax Express

The Kofax Express trial version can be downloaded from here:

The download is a zip file called of about 0.99 GB. Unzip the file and run Kofax Express Standalone Setup from the unzipped installer and follow simple installation instructions.

STEP 2: Download and install the latest Kofax Express Fix Pack

After you have installed Kofax Express, install the latest fix pack to get the latest version and support for all the latest scanners from here:

At the end of that page you’ll find the Fix Pack section. Press the Download button. The downloaded file will be called something like Unzip the fix pack file and run the installer.

STEP 3: Download and install your scanner’s ISIS driver.

The only thing left to be done, is installing your scanner driver. You need the ISIS scannner driver, not the TWAIN driver. Easiest is to use your favorite web browser and search for e.g. Fujitsu fi-7260 ISIS driver to get to the download page.

For example the ISIS driver for the Fujitsu 71xx and 72xx series is located here:×80.html

STEP 4: Connect and test your scanner with Kofax Express

Once the scanner driver is installed, test the scanner by doing the following:

  1. Connect your scanner with the USB cable
  2. Switch on the scanner
  3. Start Kofax Express
  4. Open the Scan to Desktop job
  5. Select the Scan Settings tab and press the Select Scanner button.
  6. Select your scanner from the list and press OK
  7. Place some documents in the feeder and press Scan All to test your scanner.

To get up and running quickly with Kofax Express, we recommend to familiarize yourself with the product by watching the short tutorials here.

STEP 5: Install the CaptureBites export connectors you want to try

Select the CaptureBites product you are interested in from this page and use the download link to install the product. Without activation code, the product will switch to demo mode and will be fully functional but will put demo stamps in the images.

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