If you don’t find one of your Jobs in the Kofax Express Open Job list, then this is often caused by Kofax Express being incorrectly closed. This can happen because of a power outage or if the PC crashed while Kofax Express was still running.

In most of the cases, the job is still there but one file is damaged. The good news, it’s easy to fix!

Note: Just replace Kofax Express 3.2 with Kofax Express 3.1 in the paths in below text if you are using Kofax Express 3.1.

Kofax Express Standalone on Windows 7 or higher

Let’s assume that the Kofax Express Job which disappeared is named: MY JOB

Close Kofax Express and do the following:

  1. Look for a file called Job.JobHeader in C:\ProgramData\Kofax\Kofax Express 3.2\Jobs\MY JOB\D\Job.JobHeader 
  2. Right click the file and open it with notepad. If the file is damaged, it will be completely empty and it won’t be possible for Kofax Express to find the job.
  3. If you made a backup of your jobs, just replace the damaged Job.JobHeader with the one from your backup.
  4. If you did not make a backup of your jobs, just replace the damaged Job.JobHeader with one from another job which still correctly works in Kofax Express. This job.jobheader can even be copied from a different standalone Kofax Express 3.2 system.
  5. Restart Kofax Express and you should be able to find and open your job again.

Kofax Express Server on Windows 7 or higher

Let’s assume that the Kofax Express Job which disappeared is named: MY JOB

Because all jobs are saved on the Kofax Server, Close Kofax Express on the server and do the following:

  1. Look for a file called Job.JobHeader in C:\ProgramData\Kofax\Kofax Express 3.2\Server\Jobs\MY JOB\D\Job.JobHeader 
  2. Right click the file and open it with notepad. If the file is damaged, it will be completely empty and it won’t be possible for the Kofax Express server and any of the clients to find the job.
  3. If you made a backup of your jobs, just replace the damaged Job.JobHeader with the one from your backup.
  4. If you did not make a backup of your jobs, just replace the damaged Job.JobHeader with one from another job which still correctly works in Kofax Express. This job.jobheader can even be copied from a different server Kofax Express 3.2 system.
  5. Restart Windows. Without restarting Windows, Kofax Express will not detect the repaired job.
  6. Start Kofax Express and you should be able to find and open your job again.

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