1    Exposes VRS Elite 5.1 Features

VRS 5.0 was integrated with Kofax Express 3.1 but the new image processing features were not exposed. This release will expose the following image processing features in the UI:

  • Edge Fill
  • Intelligent Halftone
  • Content Deskew
  • Merge sides

2    Manual crop

This release will support manual crop (just like Kofax Desktop) for cases where VRS fails to accurately detect the page boundaries.

3    Includes the latest OCR engine

Includes the Latest OCR Engine version (9.0 in KXP 3.1, 13.0 in KXP 3.2).

4    Arabic OCR support

This release will include OCR support for Arabic.

5    Add support for PDF/A-2 and A-3

This release will include support for exporting PDF/A-2a, 2u, 3a, and 3u to be consistent with Kofax Capture 10.2. This feature is included with the latest version of ABBYY FRE.

6    Support for new operating systems

This release will include support for Windows 8, 8.1, and 10

7    Updated database support

This release will include database lookup and export support for SQL Server 2014, Microsoft Excel 2013, and Microsoft Access 2013.

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