NOTE: For Windows Server 2003, follow the same instructions as for Windows XP. For Windows Server 2008 or higher, follow the Windows 7 or higher instructions.
IMPORTANT: If you migrate from an older Kofax Express version, like version 3.1 or 3.2, to the latest Kofax Express 3.3 version, you first need to upgrade the old system. Just install Kofax Express 3.3 over the prior version. This will convert your jobs and scanner profiles to Kofax Express 3.3 versions. After that, start the migration process below.
A) Find your Kofax Express License info and deactivate the license on the old PC
- Make note of all the license details of Kofax Express on the old station. You can find instructions on where to find this information in Kofax Express’ Application Note (page 4).
2. De-activate the license on the old PC by pressing Deactivate in the Help tab.

B) Install scanner drivers and Kofax Express on the new PC
1. Install the ISIS driver of your scanner (see your scanner’s instructions). Most scanner suppliers provide the ISIS driver as a download on their web site. If you use “FolderScan” and don’t use a scanner, you can skip this step. To find the driver, simply google “[ Your Scanner Model ] ISIS driver” and you should be able to find the download link.
2. Download and install Kofax Express (the trial is the same as the production version) and install it on the new station.
3. After you have installed Kofax Express, we also recommend to install the latest Kofax Express Fix Pack.
4. Start Kofax Express and then close it before you install any CaptureBites connectors or products. The first time you start Kofax Express, it creates a number of system folders required for a successful installation of the CaptureBites products.
C) Install your CaptureBites products on the new PC
Download and install the latest version of the CaptureBites connectors you are using for your scan jobs, and any other CaptureBites products that need to run alongside them (AutoBites, Barcode Generator, MetaServer, etc.).
You can find an alpahetical list of our product downloads on our downloads overview page.
D) Migrate your jobs and scanner profiles from a PC with Windows 7 or higher to a new PC with Windows 7 or higher
IMPORTANT: By default, the Windows “ProgramData” folder is hidden. Please follow these instructions to unhide the folder.
IMPORTANT: If you migrate to a Kofax Express Client/Server system, the job and scanner profile are only saved on the server and the paths are also slightly different compared to a standalone installation! See the note about Client/Server below.
NOTE: Depending on which version of Kofax Express you migrate from or to, the Kofax subfolder will be named after that version (Kofax Express 3.3, Kofax Express 3.2, Kofax Express 3.1, etc.).
1. To migrate jobs: Copy the content of C:\ProgramData\Kofax\Kofax Express 3.2\Jobs on the old PC to C:\ProgramData\Kofax\Kofax Express 3.2\Jobs on the new PC.
2. To migrate scanner profiles: Copy the content of C:\ProgramData\Kofax\Kofax Express 3.2\Scanners\Profiles from the old PC to C:\ProgramData\Kofax\Kofax Express 3.2\Scanners\Profiles on the new PC
3. Go to step F.
Jobs, batches and scanner profiles on a Kofax Express Client/Server System
On a Kofax Express client-server system, jobs, batches and scanner profiles are only saved on the server. The paths are also different from the paths on a standalone system.
Job path on a client-server system (win7 or higher):
C:\ProgramData\Kofax\Kofax Express 3.2\Server\Jobs\
Scanner profiles path on a client-server system (win7 or higher):
C:\ProgramData\Kofax\Kofax Express 3.2\Server\Scanners\Profiles\
Batches path on a client-server system (win7 or higher):
C:\ProgramData\Kofax\Kofax Express 3.2\Server\Jobs\
NOTE: When you copy jobs, batches or scanner profiles from one client-server installation to another, you need to restart the service called Kofax Express Server on the PC acting as Kofax Express server to make them visible for the server and clients.
E) Migrate your jobs and scanner profiles from a PC with Windows XP to a new PC with Windows 7 or higher
1. IMPORTANT: By default, the Windows XP Appication Data folder and Windows 7 or higher Program Data folder is hidden. Follow these instructions to unhide these folders.
2. IMPORTANT: If you migrate to a Kofax Express Client/Server system, the job and scanner profile are only saved on the server and the paths are also slighlty different compared to a standalone installation! See the note about Client/Server above.
3. To migrate jobs: Copy the content of C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kofax\Kofax Express 3.2\Jobs from the old Windows XP PC to C:\ProgramData\Kofax\Kofax Express 3.2\Jobs on the new Windows 7 or higher PC.
4. To migrate scanner profiles: Copy the content of C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kofax\Kofax Express 3.1\Scanners\Profiles from the old Windows XP PC to C:\ProgramData\Kofax\Kofax Express 3.2\Scanners\Profiles on the new Windows 7 or higher PC.
F) Make sure the new PC has access to any databases used in the KX Jobs
In the case that your job(s) make use of database lookups or exports to a DB using an ODBC connected DB (e.g. SQL Server DB, Access DB, etc.), you will need to make sure these ODBC data sources are also correctly migrated to the new PC.
If you’re not sure how to perform this migration, please contact your IT department.
G) When you also use AutoBites, do the following:
1. Make sure you have already installed AutoBites and any other CaptureBites connectors on the new PC (see step C).
2. From a PC with Windows 7 or higher to a PC with Windows 7 or higher: Copy the content of C:\ProgramData\CaptureBites\Express\Programs\AutoBites\Data on the old PC to C:\ProgramData\CaptureBites\Express\Programs\AutoBites\Data on the new PC.
3. From a PC with Windows XP to a PC with Windows 7 or higher: Copy the content of C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\CaptureBites\Express\Programs\AutoBites\Data on the old Windows XP PC to C:\ProgramData\CaptureBites\Express\Programs\AutoBites\Data on the new Windows 7 or higher PC.
H) Activate your Kofax Express License on the new PC
1. Start Kofax Express on the new PC and Activate Kofax Express with your Kofax Express license on the new PC. This license is only available if you have de-activated on the old PC (see step A).
IMPORTANT: You cannot activate the CaptureBites products as long as Kofax Express is not activated.
I) Activate your CaptureBites products on the new PC
1. Open the Scan to Desktop job in Kofax Express. Next, open the Job Tab and select each of the installed CaptureBites export connectors and open their setup. Then, activate them with the activation codes provided by your partner when you ordered the products.
NOTE: if you are not familiar with activating CaptureBites products, you can find more information here.
2. Open your jobs and test them.
If you have trouble finding your CaptureBites license information, please contact us and provide your Kofax Express Serial number(s) to help us locate the information.