MetaServer > Help > Tasks > Import MetaServer Database

250-130 MetaServer Tasks – Import MetaServer Database

With MetaServer’s Import MetaServer Database action, you can import CSV files from any location into the MetaServer DB folder. This is useful for creating a MetaServer database based on an external CSV generated by another program which places the CSV in an unchangeable / fixed location.

In our example, we will base ourselves on the “CB – SIMPSONS” task. This task is automatically installed with CaptureBites MetaServer.

To add an Import MetaServer Database action, select the action after which you want to insert the Import MetaServer Database action and press Add -> MetaServer -> Database -> Import. The Setup window will automatically open.
You can also open the setup window of an existing Import MetaServer Database action by double-clicking the action or by pressing the setup button on the right side of the Import MetaServer Database action or in the ribbon, as shown below.

In our example case, we want to automatically create a local MetaServer Database based on a CSV database in another folder.

First, add a description of your action. Then, browse to the CSV database you want to import. You can browse to the folder using the “…” button or enter the path manually. Make sure this path already exists.

01 – Delete source after import: enable this option to delete the original CSV after import.
02 – Database: use the drop-down arrow to select an existing MetaServer database which will be overwritten with the content of the imported database or type in a non-existing name to create a new MetaServer database based on the imported database.
TIP: you can copy the current settings and paste them in another setup window of the same type. Do this by pressing the Settings button in the bottom left of the Setup window and by selecting Copy. Then open another setup window of the same type and select Paste.

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