MetaTool > Help > Export

120 MetaTool Export

MetaTool acts as a pass-through export connector. That means that you export to MetaTool to perform functions like automated document separation, data extraction, merging documents and validation. Once MetaTool has processed the documents, the result is exported to the export connector selected in the MetaTool Export tab.
A batch of documents is scanned with Kofax Express The Kofax Express Export button starts the processing of documents in MetaTool Once all documents are processed with MetaTool, they are exported to the export connector selected in the MetaTool Export tab
You can export to the standard export connectors included with Kofax Express:

Multi-page: to export PDF or TIFF files to a folder structure. Index fields can be used to name folders and files. The connector can also export index data in xml or csv format.

Single-page: to export JPG files or single page PDF or TIFF files to a folder structure. Index fields can be used to name folders and single page files. The connector can also export index data in xml or csv format

Sharepoint: a basic Sharepoint connector to export documents to SharePoint on premise. For SharePoint 365, consider the CaptureBites SharePoint connector.

You can also export to any of the CaptureBites connectors. You can find an overview of all the CaptureBites connectors here.

01 Export – Setup

To set up your Export settings and connectors, press the Export tab.

The Export Setup window opens.

TIP: The thumbnail on the right will follow you to easily refer to the Setup window. Click on the thumbnail to make the image larger.

01 – Valid and invalid documents to: here you can select the export connector to export all documents in the batch by pressing the drop-down arrow button.
In the most basic use case, you export the documents, processed by MetaTool, to a Folder, using the Kofax Express Multi- or Single-page export connector.

You can even call MetaTool a 2nd time or multiple times.

For example, if you want to export different document types to separate export streams, you can use a first instance of MetaTool to determine the document type. Then export to Multi-Export to export to multiple MetaTool instances with specific rules for each Document Type.

If you enable the “Export invalid documents to separate destination” in the Validation tab, you can export valid and invalid documents to separate export connectors.

With this option enabled, 2 additional export destinations become available. One for Valid document and one for Invalid document. You can also define an export connector to export both valid & invalid documents to, but you would typically disable that option.

Press the drop-down arrow button to select an export connector for each of the export destinations. Press the Setup button to open the setup window of the export connector you want to configure.

In the example below, valid documents are exported to a file server and invalid documents are emailed to a person handling the exceptions.

You can also select the same connector twice and configure each one differently. Like valid document to a file server and invalid documents to an exception folder.
02 – Line separator:  this option is used if your back-end system does not support line separators in an index field. For example, you cannot use line-separators in a folder or file name. In that case you can replace the line separators in a multi-line field with a space for example.

This processes line separators in all index fields in the same way.  If you want to change the line separators in a specific index field without affecting any other index field, consider a MetaTool Replace text rule instead.

Select an option compatible with your back-end system by pressing the drop-down arrow button.

03 – Save batch when export fails: enable this option to allow recovery of all MetaTool image editing, extraction and index validation work if the export process fails when access to the back-end system is lost during export. When re-exporting the batch, the operator may choose to use a copy of the already processed batch or restart the complete export process.

For example, if you export to a file server, external hard drive or cloud based system, and the connection is lost, you can try exporting again later without having to process the whole batch again.

Export failed because the connection to the file server cannot be found.
Once the connection to the file server is back, export again and this window pops up:
TIP: when you make changes in the MetaTool Setup, the recovery data will be lost.
NOTE: this feature is not designed for situations where you cannot write a file because of an illegal character. These issues need to be solved in your Validation rules.
Export failed because of an illegal character in an index field of Document 1 that’s used in the file path.
For example, if you look up data from an external database to be used in the folder or file names and this data potentially contains an illegal character, add a Replace Text rule in the Validation Format rules to replace these illegal characters with legal characters to avoid the error.

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