by Sophie | 6, Dec, 2021 | AutoBites & Commander, FAQ Export Connectors, FAQ Kofax Express, Kofax Export Connectors, Kofax Express, MetaTool
Kofax has just released Kofax Express 3.3. If you use or are planning to use any of our CaptureBites connectors or modules for Kofax Express, you can download the latest, compatible version from their product page. IMPORTANT: Due to technical limitations, AutoBites...
by JD | 15, Mar, 2016 | FAQ MetaTool, Featured, Kofax Express, MetaTool
Is this an l or an I? We often get questions about the best font type to design a header sheet or form that will be used for OCR reading. OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition, the process to convert an image into searchable / editable computer text and...
by JD | 14, Feb, 2016 | AutoBites & Commander, Email, FAQ Kofax Express, Featured, Kofax Export Connectors, Kofax Express, MetaTool, Training
English version Download [7.84 MB] This PowerPoint presentation shows the key benefits and capabilities of Kofax Express and the CaptureBites modules. The presentation is short and to the point. The first part provides an overview of Kofax Express. The second...