MetaServer > Help > Export Processed Set

030-110 MetaServer Export – Export Processed Set

A “Document Set” is a document that is separated in multiple documents using the Separate and/or the Organize action. A “Document Set” can also be an email with 1 or more attachments.

The document before separation is considered a “Document Set”.

The Export Processed Set action allows you to:

1) Send a custom email after all the documents of a Document Set have been completely processed.

IMPORTANT: To send information through email, you will need a valid license of the Export to Email module.

2) Export an index file containing index data at Document Set level to a folder after all the documents have been completely processed. This file is often used as a trigger file because the presence of the file indicates that all the documents of the Document Set are exported.

3) The Document Set’s file index cannot contain document level index data, only Document Set level index data. Document Set index data can only be generated during a validate or extract rule before the Document Set is separated. So it will only contain one entry for the Document Set. For document index data of the documents after separation you have to use the Export to Folder file index.

By default, the action is disabled. To activate the action, open the setup of the Export Processed Set action, enable it and configure it to trigger an email and/ or export an index file after the set is completely processed.

 IMPORTANT: you can only use this action if your workflow uses a Separate Document / Process Page action or Organize action.

The Export Processed Set action is automatically added to the end of your workflow after adding a Separate Document / Process Page action or Organize action.

Open the setup window by double-clicking the action or by pressing the setup button on the right side of the action or in the ribbon, as shown below.

In our example, we will use the “CB – INVOICES” workflow as a reference. This workflow is automatically installed with CaptureBites MetaServer.

To send an email after your set has been processed, enable the option in the “Send information” tab. You can then configure your email the same way as you would in a regular Export to Email action.

To attach all the documents of a set, make you sure you select “Attach Files” and “All Processed PDFs of Set” in the Attachments tab.

NOTE: A set is considered completely processed if all documents of the set have passed through their last Export action or have been deleted during Validation, deleted from the Errors tab or deleted by an action such as Kofax VRS.

TIP: If you want to include index data in the body of your Processed Set Email, you need to extract that data before your Separate and Organize actions.

In other words, extract that data from the original set before its separated or organized.

IMPORTANT: It’s not possible to add an action after the Export Processed Set action.

IMPORTANT: To send information through email, you will need a valid license of the Export to Email module.

To export an index file after your set has been processed, enable the “Create index file” option in the “File Index” tab. You can then configure your index file the same way as you would in a regular Export to Folder action.

NOTE: A set is considered completely processed if all documents of the set have passed through their last Export action or have been deleted during Validation, deleted from the Errors tab or deleted by an action such as Kofax VRS.

TIP: If you want to include index data in your index file, you need to extract that data before your Separate and Organize actions.

In other words, extract that data from the original set before its separated or organized.

IMPORTANT: It’s not possible to add an action after the Export Processed Set action.

TIP: you can copy the current settings and paste them in another setup window of the same type. Do this by pressing the Settings button in the bottom left of the Setup window and by selecting Copy. Then open another setup window of the same type and select Paste.

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