MetaServer > Help > Errors

280 MetaServer Errors

Use the Errors tab to view and manage documents that caused a critical (red) error. For more information about error states please follow this link.

Select Worfklows

Select one more more workflows to filter the errors list. Only the errors related to the selected workflows will be listed.

The icon turns red if not all workflows are selected to clearly indicate that not all errors will be listed.

Retry Action

Retry the selected document with the failed action. Use this after fixing errors caused by problems outside of MetaServer, like an offline database or an XML or CSV file that MetaServer cannot updated because locked by an external program (e.g. Excel). You can do this by pressing the Retry Action button or by selecting it from the right-click menu.

If the cause of the error is not fixed and you retry the action regardless, the document will fail again and be relisted in the errors list.

Reprocess Document

Reprocess the document(s) from the beginning of the workflow. Use this after fixing mistakes in the MetaServer workflow definition. You can do this by pressing the Reprocess Document button or by selecting it from the right-click menu.

The function is not available if the document originates from a document set*. Use Reprocess Set to reprocess such documents.

* A document set originates from a single PDF file containing multiple documents that has been separated in multiple documents using separation rules or using the Organizer.

Reprocess Set

If the error document is part of a document set*, this function reprocesses the full set and re-separates and reprocesses all documents of the set. Use this after fixing mistakes in the separation process of the workflow. You can do this by pressing the Reprocess Set button or by selecting it from the right-click menu.

* A document set originates from a single PDF file containing multiple documents that has been separated in multiple documents using separation rules or using the Organizer.

Delete Document(s) (Ctrl+D)

If you want to delete error documents from the list, select one or more documents and press the Delete Document button or press Ctrl+D. You can also select it from the right-click menu.

Save As

If you want to save an error document from the list, select one or more documents and press the Save As button. You can also select it from the right-click menu.

Page Navigation

If the selected document has multiple pages, the page navigation buttons are active.

- First page
- Previous page
- Next page
- Last page
- Go to page ...

You can also use the Page Up and Page Down keys to page through the document.

Refresh Errors List (F5)

When you open the Errors tab, it is automatically refreshed.

While you are managing errors, you can force a refresh by pressing the Refresh List button or by pressing the F5 key.

Select Server

A system can contain several MetaServers. Select the MetaServer you want to work with.

If the MetaServer is not on the same domain as the client, you can enter the server's name manually by pressing the arrow under the icon and by selecting "Select by Name".

You can easily find the correct Name by opening this setup window on the server.

Click on the image to enlarge.


This opens a list of all documents being processed by MetaServer.

The list shows a total document count per action and totals across all workflows.

Active Users

You can see a list of all active users and the type of client they're using on the current MetaServer.

The Errors List, Document Viewer and Properties Panel

Errors List

The left panel shows a list of all documents that triggered a fatal error.

The columns indicate:

– What workflow each document belongs to

– When the documents were created

– The full path and the original file name of the imported document

– A description of the error

– If the document was part of a document set*: Yes / No

* A document set originates from a single PDF file containing multiple documents that has been separated in multiple documents using separation rules or using the Organizer.

Document Viewer

The center panel displays the document. You can page through the document if it has multiple pages.

If the document triggered an error because the file was damaged, the document cannot be displayed and the viewer will display this error image:

Properties Panel

You can double click on any of the properties and copy the content to share it through email or through our support form.

The right panel lists all properties of the selected document:

– Action History: All the actions the document passed through. The action before the last (sending the error email alert) is the action that failed. In our example that is the Export Folder action. 

In our example, the workflow updates an XML file during Export. The cause of the error in above screen shot was the XML being opened in MS Excel and therefore locked. Consequently MetaServer was not able to update the file generating the error. The solution was to close Excel to unlock the XML file and press Retry Action to process the document successfully.

– Exception Information: Detailed information about the error.

– Field Values: Browse towards the bottom of the list to see the field values.

Since MetaServer version 3.1.23, you can change your field values in the Admin Client’s Errors tab and retry the action using that new value. This is not possible in the Operator client.

For example, when an invalid date (<1900) fails to export to SharePoint, you can correct the date in the Admin Client‘s Errors tab and succesfully submit the document to SharePoint.

Server: The name of the machine MetaServer is running on.

Imported: The total number of originally imported documents in MetaServer across all workflows. The counter does not get filtered by the Select Workflows functionand always shows the total imported document count for both selected and unselected workflows.

In queues: The total number of documents in the MetaServer queues across all workflows. The counter does not get filtered by the Select Workflows function and always shows the total document count for both selected and unselected workflows. If your workflow separates documents, this counter will show the total number of documents after separation.

In organizer: Number of documents available (not locked by any user) for Organizing. The counter only shows the count of the selected workflows. See Select Workflows button.

Skipped: Number of documents available (not locked by any user) for Organizing with skipped status. The counter only shows the count of the selected workflows. See Select Workflows button.

In validation: Number of documents available (not locked by any user) for Validation. The counter only shows the count of the selected workflows. See Select Workflows button.

Skipped: Number of documents available (not locked by any user) for Validation with skipped status. The counter only shows the count of the selected workflows. See Select Workflows button.

Errors: Number of documents in error state. These documents triggered a red error.  Errors and the documents that caused them can be viewed and managed in the Errors tab. The counter only shows the count of the selected workflows. See Select Workflows button.

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